In this work, the discourse markers from the Spanish spoken corpus C-ORAL-ROM are been annotated
with the pragmatic annotation model PRAGMATEXT. This anotation model is based on a system of
features, where each feature corresponds with a semantic-pragmatic phenomenon: discoursive modalization, evidentiality, discourse relations, deixis and speech acts. This features will be activated in according on the meaning of the discourse markers. Once the pragmatic annotation model is designed, the corpus is annotated by DiMaSTagger, a discourse markers semi-automatic tagger. And, finally, after all corpus is tagged, we have programmed INTER ALIA, a web interfaz to consult the C-Oral-Rom corpus with an different aplications. For example, you can search a discourse marker in the corpus according to the type of discoursive genre, and the web interfaz provides the frequency of use. This work is an interdisciplinar reflection where these areas of knowledge are connected: Discourse Markers, Pragmatics, Cognitive Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence.
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